Saturday, August 21, 2010

Law # 3 Winter

Last month I went with two of my groovy (that’ll date me ha ha) sisters, Kathie and Sharlene, up to see my oldest groovy sister, Carma Lee in Jackson Hole WY. It was a great time and I couldn’t get over how beautiful it was up there! After feeling trapped in this house and closed in because of the wall in the back of the house I loved seeing the world again! I was glad I wasn’t driving so I could keep my face to the glass and just drink up the scenes that were before me! I have always loved trees and to see so many tall and beautiful pines covering the mountainsides raised my spirit out of the void it had been in for so long! We drove along the Snake River and saw many rafts full of people gliding down the river enjoying the scenery without the noise of traffic and cars. I was envious! When we pulled into the motel in Jackson and got out of the car we were introduced to air that was clean and smelled of fresh pine! I could so pick up everything and move here!

We had a special visit with Carma Lee whom is spending some time in a convalescence center and is at this time unable to leave her bed. She has a huge window near her bed so that she can see the mountainside. Unfortunately that particular mountainside did not have many trees! I felt so bad that she couldn’t leave her room and go out to enjoy the awesome environment that surrounded her. At the end of her hallway they had an area for the patients to go where they could sit and look out the windows that were all the way around the room. They had binoculars that you could look through towards the Grand Teton Mountains and Yellowstone! It was awesome!

When my brother-in-law Richard came up from Star Valley to see us in Carma Lee’s room, he wanted to take us to lunch and we had a nice visit with him. We talked a lot about our trip to Yellowstone that I had gone on with them when I was 18. He talked about living in Star Valley and that their home is part log home and it is nestled next to the mountain. ENVIOUS!! I have always wanted a log home nestled next to a mountain! Then he began talking about my next -There should be a law against! –WINTER!

After hearing that winter up there goes from October into June and getting 4+ feet of snow is normal, my desires to live up there waned! Maybe it would be cool to have a summer home there!! LOL As a child I didn’t mind winter. We would go out and make bunny trails and chase each other around for hours! We would make snowmen and snow angels and then mess them all up afterwards! Once my brother Steve decided he wanted to make a snowman that was higher than the house. We had to use a ladder but we were able to make the tallest snowman in the neighborhood! It was that same brother Steve that decided one winter that it wasn’t cool to have the snow in the front yard all messed up. Smooth snow looked better! Wow, really!! So we were forced to stay in the backyard to play!

As an adult winter is just plain annoying! Unless of course you are into winter sports, which I am not. Winter is-Cold, brown (when it’s not white), ugly black snow at the sides of the roads, slippery, dangerous and depressing! Every winter I think “this winter I am going to find a way to enjoy it!” But I have yet to find a way! Guess I will have to take up Snowboarding! Can’t you just visualize that one! Ha Ha!


  1. This was such a fun read, my groovy friend! Did you know I missed you terribly when you went on that trip up to Jackson Hole? I think you made a wonderful nod to your sisters and your brother in law! And then you got into your thing with winter! I've known for a long time that this isn't your favorite time of year... To see you on a snowboard? I about fell out of my swivel chair laughing!

  2. Winter is stupid! and driving in snow and being cold and not having any color on the trees and no flowers! sigh.... it's so silly! it should be spring and fall all the time! we can skip winter and summer! summer is to hot and sweaty!!

    i didn't know you guys built a snowman taller then the house!! see what i can learn about you when you write! just saying...
