Friday, August 13, 2010

Law #1 Stupid People

One of my favorite sayings that I got from my dad (among other sayings!) is "There should be a law against it!" He quoted this a lot and I have figured out that he came up with this for anything he didn't want to do or anything he couldn't change. And because I am my father's daughter the same goes pretty much for me as well. 1.There should be a law against stupid people! I have this thing where I like to get up in the morning, get my bowl of shredded wheat squares with a banana and milk, go to the computer and check up on my fav sites. Facebook, national and entertainment news, local news, followed by my favorite- ATP Mens Tennis. (Sometimes I check up on the womens tennis, but mostly I want to know what Roger Federer is doing! LOL) Anyway, I always check these things in that order! (Humm...OCD maybe?) I read the news stories and the comments people make and it never ceases to amaze me what people will do! THIS WORLD IS GOING TO DUMB ITSELF TO DEATH!! (I stole that from Brucie! ha ha!) I tell myself that I will not look at the news sites anymore, but there I am back the next day checking them out!! There should be a law against that too!! LOL I made the mistake one day of clicking on the comments people made on a news story! MISTAKE!! Do people really think anymore? Is there any common sense out there anymore? Do they not have anything better to do than to make their stupid comments on these news stories?! Don't I have anything better to do than to read them?!! There should be a law against it! I am doing better tho. I only checked out the comments on one story this morning! And I only read a few. :-) Enough ranting on against the law #1. Tune in later for #2!


  1. To my most favorite and absolutely adorable friend and buddy! Welcome to the world of saying what it is YOU want to say!

    I laughed several times reading this, but then, you were there to hear me, huh!

    I think that heaven ran out of brains to issue sometime around 1970 or so. Yes, there are a few exceptions (our children, of course) but for the most part, no more brains since 1970. They are in their 40's now, and part of what we used to call "the establishment." Scary huh! That's who's running the world now! Brianless people (you really can't fault them, you have to feel sorry for them) are driving around with their computer gizmo's doing everything from calling to emailing to taking pictures to going to the bathroom... sort of reminds you of the movie "Wally" huh!

    At least you know your wonderful hubby has a brain! It just got scrambled with the eggs I had for breakfast once in 1963!

  2. Dear Mother,
    there should be a law against every customer that goes through the drive through at any food place. even the smart ones are stupid. no body knows what they want, nobody knows anything about anything in drive throughs.....

    and for Roger Federer, we all know why you really watch him, because you have a big girl crush on him! just admit it :D

    i'm excited to read more so get writing!
